The architecture of Philip Augustus

The future castle of Guédelon is an entirely new construction; there are no vestiges of a former castle in or around the site.  The castle’s design is based on the architectural canons laid down by Philip Augustus in the 12th and 13th centuries.

Philip II Augustus, King of France from 1180-1223, is attributed with standardising the military architecture of castles in the French kingdom. Examples of this standard plan include the Louvre in Paris, Yévre-le-Châtel castle in Loiret, or more locally, the castles of Ratilly or Druyes-les-Belles-Fontaines in Yonne. 

Castles built to this standard plan have the following characteristics: a polygonal ground plan; high stone curtain walls, often built on battered plinths; a dry ditch; round flanking towers pierced with single embrasured arrow loops, the position of which is staggered on each floor of the tower; one corner tower, higher and larger than the rest: the tour maîtresse;twin drum tower protect the gate.

During his reign, Philip Augustus established – by way of treaties, alliances and politically advantageous marriages – a long-term Capetian policy of expansion, this fact justifies the choice of a French, as opposed to a Burgundian, architectural model in this particular part of France.

The modest status of Guédelon’s lord in the feudal hierachy and his limited financial means, prompt him to raise a “small” castle, a fortified manor house, far removed from the scale of the royal castles of the Louvre in Paris or Brie-Comte-Robert in Seine-et-Marne.